Who is an estate plan for?
Watch our video and get your question answered in less than a minute! This video is for informative purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice. Small details can have big consequences. Want to know more about Estate Planning, schedule a free consultation with us. This is a really interesting question because an attorney is trying to figure out not only who the client is, but who they are trying to benefit and how they can benefit them. The reality of an estate plan is that the most benefit that an attorney can provide is not to the person who is sitting in the office, it is to their loved ones and other family members. The estate plan really is helping those people along the way. Having an estate plan in place can make the process easier and reduce conflict. That is just one piece of it, that it really helps the people that you leave behind. As a client, you are not going to get to see how your estate plan plays out because you are not going to be around anymore. However, you can have that sigh of relief knowing that you have done everything you can and that you are leaving everything in the best shape that you possibly can. If you would like to know more about the topic, just reach out for a Free Consultation. We can help. Comments are closed.
AuthorWilliam Block Categories
May 2023